Wolterton Verdure (With Figures)
Design Provenance: Mid-17th Century, a suite of five Soho or Antwerp tapestries, Private Collection of Wolterton Hall Wolterton Hall is home to a suite of five fine Verdure tapestries, brought to the hall by Horatio Walpole in the mid 18th century. Depicting the mythological love story of Venus and Adonis, the suite portrays the Goddess Venus’s attempts to seduce a handsome but reluctant young man, an illustrious narrative made famous by William Shakespeare in his 1593 poem of the same name. A gentle, elegant substrate, our linen Tableaux Scéniques make wonderfully relaxed drapery and domestic upholstery. Faithfully conveying the vibrant colourings of the design, our linens retain the graceful and natural variations organic to the textile.
Original Tapestries
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Venus and Chariot




Stricken Adonis
Watts has been associated with tapestry throughout its long and decorative history, but the idea to further develop this art came about much more recently when we were invited to collaborate with la Cite Internationale de la Tapisserie in Aubusson. In addition to the Aubusson archive we are fortunate to have been given the intellectual property rights to other magnificent pieces from private collections.
Made in England.
Made in England.

Wolterton Verdure with figures

Wolterton Verdure with figures